Christian Aid began in the immediate aftermath of World War 2 when church leaders came together to create an organisation to help European refugees who had lost everything in the war. From the very beginning its central mission was not to evangelise but to alleviate suffering for ordinary people, no matter what their faith. From this initial European focus the vision quickly expanded to become the worldwide organisation that it is today.
Christian Aid has always been at the forefront of the need to alert people to the needs of the marginalised and the poorest of the poor. As a consequence of this call for social justice, Christian Aid has never been afraid of controversy. Nor has it been afraid to confront the rich and powerful with the often dire consequences of their decisions. For example, in the 1990’s the ‘Banking on the Poor’ campaign alerted people to the need to cancel Third World debt. Then the culpability of the World Trade Organisation and the International Monetary Fund was highlighted in the ‘Who Runs the World?’ campaign. It is currently one of the strongest advocates of the need to accept and confront the effects of climate change.
Christian Aid now raises approximately £90 million annually and supports over 650 organisations in over 50 countries. Its largest fundraising event is Christian Aid Week, which takes place in May each year. Churches in Beccles have a long tradition of supporting the door-to-door collection and many collectors come from St Michael’s and St Luke’s but we always need MORE! Could you give a few hours this year to help us help them?
Visit the Christian Aid website.