Getting married at a Beccles Parish Church
Whether you're just dreaming of a church wedding or well into the planning already, at Beccles Parish we want to help and support you.
Weddings can take place at St Michael's and St Luke's in Beccles, All Saints Worlingham, St Botolph North Cove and St John the Baptist Barnby. If you choose to be married in one of the churches we will work with you to make your day as special as it can be.
Our clergy will help you prepare for your special day and, married life together. A happy marriage does not just happen – it takes a lot of hard work. We see it as a privilege to help couples to work towards making their marriage a happy one.
Every year we invite all those getting married to a Marriage Preparation Day (usually a Saturday in March between 10.30am and 2.30pm). In a relaxed, friendly and fun atmosphere we enable couples to talk with each other and other couples, to share ideas and expectations, hopes and fears for the future.
This day is appropriate to all couples, whether previously married, living together or not. The further along the path you are, the more there is to discover.
Several months before the wedding you will receive an invitation. We hope you will be able to accept and look forward to spending the day with you.
The Church of England have an excellent website that offers advice and resources to help you in planning your big day: www.yourchurchwedding.org
There are some things about marrying in church that you just can't get anywhere else. It's your wedding. Let us help you make it personal, meaningful, spiritual, beautiful.
If you'd like more information as to what services and help we can provide during this exciting time in your lives, please contact the Parish Office.

Baptisms & Confirmation

Baptism (Christening)
We are delighted you are thinking about baptism. The first step is to contact the Parish Administrator who will arrange an appointment for you to meet one of the clergy to talk to you about the options available. Baptisms usually take place during a main Sunday service to welcome the child or adult into the church family.
Baptism of babies and children
The Baptism of a child involves the parents making a serious commitment and requires careful thought. Parents need to be able to promise to give their child every opportunity to grow up within the family of the Church. We are keen to support you and offer a range of services and groups for children and families, do come along and get involved. Click on our services page for more details. Godparents play a key part in the life of a child. It is a requirement of the Church of England that godparents are themselves baptised.
The Church of England has a website with more information for parents and godparents:
Baptism of adults and older children
You are never too old to take this step, and being baptized as an adult is a wonderful experience.
You may have been baptized at a christening when you were a child or in a different Christian tradition, and there are always special ways to renew the promises that were made then in a fresh way as you discover more about what it means to live them out in your life.
Those seeking Baptism for themselves will be offered a period of preparation appropriate to their age.
As a follower of Christ, individuals will be encouraged to take an active part within the life of our churches.

Confirmation marks the point in the Christian journey at which you affirm for yourself the faith into which you have been baptized and your intention to live a life of committed discipleship. This affirmation is confirmed through prayer and the laying on of hands by the confirming bishop. The Church also asks God to give you power through the Holy Spirit to enable you to live in the way of Jesus. We have an annual confirmation course in the parish, do speak to the clergy if you are interested in confirming your faith.
If you would like to make an enquiry about baptism or confirmation please contact the Parish Office.
The message at all Church of England funerals, wherever they happen, is one of hope. Although there is sadness because someone you know and love has died, in every Church of England funeral there will also be a message of hope in life after death.
Whether a funeral takes place in a church, crematorium, or elsewhere, many people feel it is appropriate and comforting for a Minister to take the service.
Most funeral arrangements are made through a funeral director, who will make contact with the Rector, if you would like us to be involved.
Further information on Funerals can be found on the Church of England website, click her for details.
“Be there at our sleeping and give us we pray,
your peace in our hearts Lord at the end of the day.”
Extract from Lord of All Hopefulness